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As a person, I’m am the same with the rest of humankind, sinful. I was a man of the world, and used every God given gift for my own interest. But in a miraculous way, by the power of the Holy Spirit, I came terms with my sinfulness and with repentance accepted Jesus into my life as my Lord and Savior.


As a Christian, I learned that obedience to God is the greatest proof of my love for Him. I tried to learn from the Bible, everything I need to know how I may obey Him, how I may worship and give Him the glory. In my pursuit for obedience, I heard a call one day to serve Him in a special way.


As a pastor, I find myself not greater than any Christian, or any servant of the Lord for that matter. I just serve the Lord in this capacity, relying purely on the guidance, direction, and enablement of the Holy Spirit. It is my desire to glorify God in the ministry that He has given me, for Him to increase, as I decrease, (John 3:30). There is no greater joy in life, above all things material, than to be saved by Jesus Christ, and to love and serve Him in this life.   





From the biblical perspective, “Contained in Christ Church” is not a religious institution or organization. It is simply a body of believers, saved by the blood of Jesus Christ (1st Peter 1:19), and is taking part in the task of the great commission (Matthew 28:19-20).

Contained in Christ, as our name states, is that we are indeed contained in Christ (2nd Corinthians 5:17). Our belief and doctrine are all contained and confined in the 66 books of the Bible.

We are united in our belief, that there is no salvation apart from Jesus and his finished work at the cross of Calvary (Acts 4:12).

We believe in sin and the forgiveness of sin, which is only possible through Jesus Christ, as we repent, (1st John 1:9).


We believe in a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, by opening the door of our life to Him, making Him our Lord and Savior, (Revelations 3:20).


We believe that heaven is our home, as adopted children of God in Jesus Christ, (John 1:12).   

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