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Contained In Christ Church exists for the sole purpose of doing God's will here on earth (Matthew 6:10). When we say God, we are referring to the God of Abraham , Isaac , and Jacob (Exodus 3:15-16).

We believe that the only way to be able to do God's will it to adhere to the Holy Bible which is the written word of God. Our being church , it's function and practice is only confined to whatever is biblical. It is out business not to do anything outside of the Bible. (Psalms 18:13).

Jesus commanded that we go and teach all nations, therefore in obedience, as a church we preoccupy and focus ourselves in obeying this command. (Matthew 28:19),. We believe that salvation can only be found in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ (Acts 4:12).

Therefore our mission and purpose is centered in the Lord Jesus Christ alone. In our conduct of the great commission, our main task is for everyone to come to know Jesus and be saved by His name. 

It is our prayer, that we become an instrument for a person to turn from unbelief to belief to the Lord Jesus Christ. The Bible says, this is only possible when a person becomes "Born Again" (John 3:3).

We enjoin everyone of like mission and purpose to hold hands with us. 

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